My Salah Mat - Interactive Educational Prayer Mat

Type: Toys

A very creative Islamic toy that aids your children to learn the actions and words of Salah in an enjoyable way. 

My Salah Mat features interactive buttons within the mat, which activates whilst the child goes through the cycle of the prayer's positions, and plays the relevant surahs and duas.

Additionally, the mat teaches how to do wudu, and the adhaan and iqaama.


  • 11 Different Languages

(English, French, Arabic, Malaysian, Indonesian, Turkish, Urdu, German, Spanish, Russian & Bengali)

  • 36 Touch Sensitive Keys
  • Waterproof Material
  • Fire Resistant Material
  • FREE 12 Page child-friendly booklet on Salah (24pp)
  • Booklet for Parents on how to start the teaching process
  • Illustrated Manual – Very detailed
  • Adjustable Volume – 3 Settings
  • Foldable
  • Trademark Registered
  • Quran Recitation from a Qualified (Qari) with Ijazah.
  • HOLOGRAM STICKER – This certifies it’s an Original product and the code on the sticker can be used to further identify this on a database with My Salah Mat.

The touch sensitive pads enable the prayer mat to recognise and respond to the specific prayer positions. For example, when someone places both feet on the feet location on the prayer mat, the sensors in My Salah Mat recognise the pressure, and the first action of the Muslim prayer is heard (Allahu Akbar), followed by Surah Fatiha. Then when the knees, hands, and head touch the relevant locations on the mat, the sound related to that part of the prayer is heard. This continues through all of the actions of the Muslim prayer (please refer to the diagram for more information). 

Teaching children how to perform salah (the Muslim prayer) can be a struggle, as there are various movements and positions to learn, along with the correct words and recitations to say, and this can be difficult for young children. Therefore, My Salah Mat makes it fun, easy and interactive, encouraging for children to perform their prayers.

The problem this prayer solves is that of updating the methods used to teach salah to children. It is more current and in line with the learning styles of today's smartphone and tablet generation. This means it should encourage children and enable them to learn quicker and with more success than traditional methods. Children learn more easily through visual aids that are kinesthetic, and they can interact with this, the first ever Muslim prayer mat of its kind. The new tools that My Salah Mat provides will enable children and new Muslims to learn how to perform the Muslim prayer in an easy and accurate way.

My Salah Mat is a new and innovative prayer mat because there are no other Muslim prayer mats available on the market that have been developed to specifically teach children to perform the Muslim prayer in this way. My Salah Mat includes touch sensitive technology, which no other prayer mats have. It takes the Muslim Prayer mat and completely transforms it into something that is interactive.

Give them My Salah Mat and gain the reward for teaching salah, inshaAllah.

There is a patent pending for this prayer mat, please make dua it goes through.


Prayer Mat Size: 103 x 72cm

Box Size: 42 x 32 x 10cm

Box Weight: 900g

Requires 3 x AA Batteries (Not Provided)


Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Great interactive salah mat!

Bought it for daughter as a gift. She loves it!

Salat mat

It was a birthday gift for my son but when connected with batteries Bismillah stuck on a loop. After few try managed. But as a brand new item it should have worked as normal

Great products

Ordered a salah mat and some personalised products quick delivery and high quality items would recommend


It’s amazing praying mat

Good incentive and motivation for Kids

very good prayer mat my daughter love it and my husband this mat is fantastic opportunity first time prayer