Stunning illustrations, full of color, bring the pages to life and the carefully written text is simple, easy to understand, and suitable to be read aloud.
Titles in this set:
1. My First Book About Charity
2. My First Book About Hajj
3. My First Book About Ramadan
4. My First Book About Salah
5. My First Book About Qur'an
6. My First Book About Prophet Muhammed
7. My First Book About Allah
My First Book About Charity
"The perfect book to introduce children to the act of giving charity."
This simple but beautiful book introduces children to the third pillar of Islam: Zakat as well as other types of charity (sadaqah). It starts by acknowledging that Allah has given all of us many blessings with some of us having more and others less, and that those with more have an obligation towards the poor and needy. It mentions some of the different types of charity Muslims can give and answers questions such as why and how much charity should be given.
My First Book About Hajj
Preparing to go for Hajj to the actual acts of Hajj and the intentions behind them. It also features facts about Hajj and Umrah and common questions children may ask, such as: why do Muslims go on Hajj and Umrah?
My First Book About Ramadan
Inside this board book toddlers and young children will find out about the beautiful holy month of Ramadan, it's meaning and purpose, as well as how and why it is celebrated.It also features some facts about Ramadan and common questions children might ask.
My First Book About Salah
How to pray and the intentions behind them. It also features facts about prayer and common questions children may ask, such as: Why do Muslims pray? Who do Muslims pray to?
My First Book About Qur'an
Inside this board book toddlers and young children will find out about the Qur’an’s beautiful teachings: to care for all creation; to respect the books of God; to be good to one another; and to believe in Allah, the Creator.
Qur’an and common questions children might ask, such as: what does the word “Qur’an” actually mean?
My First Book About Prophet Muhammed
Inside this board book toddlers and young children will find out about the Prophet Muhammad's amazing character and unshakeable belief in Allah.
some facts about the Prophet Muhammad and common questions children might ask, such as: what did the Prophet Muhammad believe before he received the revelation.
My First Book About Allah
This simple but beautiful book helps children understand who Allah is. It introduces some of His divine attributes: His Oneness, His infinite Power, Love and Mercy, and it ends with the promise He has made to those who believe in Him and make Him happy.
It is a book to be treasured by children,